Monday, December 1, 2008

One Moar Striek..!

Yes, the typoes are INTENTIONAL.

I am on the verge of losing what's left of my sanity. ONE MORE ASSIGNMENT/QUIZ and I'll snuff for 10 hours: which would be a record, considering my recently acquired sleep disorder. I was seriously thinking of sneaking off a friend's sleeping pills that she'd conveniently obtained from her doctor of a mother... But I'm guessing it's illegal and we all know how I'm usually never up for anything out of the line, zzz...

Me hates this part of student life here. When you have a free week, it's a totally free week; no assignments or quizzes from any part of the module, which is a freaking monster hidden inside the Blanket of Blessings, since the next week, ALL of the work would decide to do a massive convergence and are due at almost the EXACT FREAKING DAY, EVERY time.

That in itself is a sign that I SHOULD start doing my tutorials and reports in advance, but would I heed my little conscience? Probably not. Look where I am right now! I am FREAKING BLOGGING. I knew taking this hobby up again wasn't a good idea. On the other hand, it keeps me off the MMORPGs, which take up much more time and effort and distract me from everything else, music included- and when something distracts me off of music for about 4 hours straight in my free time with music resources in hand, you'd know it's major. At least I have the sexy Josh Groban serenading my activity right now, which somehow calms my nerves, for a bit. I do realize what would calm me better, but I am a weakling and I enjoy my worldly entertainment. God, Forgive me x__x

Skipping a major meeting for the most major event in the society to do Maths. I hope it pays off for tomorrow's quiz and overall revision in general- otherwise I'll probably pull an Alice and corkscrew a person's head off...

Right now hearting: Ningyo Hime by Rie Tanaka

Oh, and just so I'm updated on stuff and would remember this in the near future for idnnowot, playing around with skeletons is a lot of fun- was about my only ray of sunshine for the whole day so far.