Monday, March 30, 2009

Of BN Hats and PAS Kopiahs

The title itself seems derogatory, but it seems they are able to belong in one place- just as anything in this world that are, seemingly, mortal enemies. Of course, as this blog is titled, anything other than God is ephemeral before the day of judgement- and that may, of course, refer to mortal enmity, if such a phrase ever existed. I ain't ever sure of my usage of words no more (Heck, even the former sentence is derogatory)!

So once upon a time, a man in his fleeting forties decided to do just that- unite two things that seem to squabble at each other in their inanimate form and be okay with it all. He wore a BN hat to his golfing activities, to the dismay of his fellow PAS colleagues and at the end of the week attended a tazkirah session complete with a jallabiyya and a PAS kopiah, to the surprise of his BN colleagues. When I asked how that worked out, he merely shrugged. 'I like the BN hat, and I like the PAS kopiah', he dismissed, completely at ease with his decisions. I had to laugh.

Radical supporters (or less, if that be the case) would probably jeer at this man from over here. But that's where the simplicity of such actions become obvious- overseas, people are less aware and fanatic of the political situations, however much they support one party and keep up with the latest news through online newspapers or phone calls made by relatives. It's so much easier not to bother with a situation when you're that far from it, no matter how concerned you may get with news and headlines of violence and neverending disagreements between the two sides. It's sheer bliss, if you ask me. You wouldn't be coerced into giving your opinions to a seemingly neutral person who might bite your head off if you decide to voice out completely different thoughts to what that person may think is true. It's simpler and causes less unneeded hassle. Besides, why should we fight one of our own? It's illogical, that's a fact I have no need to point out. However, the fragile beings that we are ourselves find it hard to govern our actions without being affected by emotions and personal needs. It's the singular trait that defines us as humans.

So let's imagine this: Remember the story of the king and the conman who had wittingly succeeded in making him believe that a magical thread detectable by smarts existed, and can be fashioned into the most beautiful garment? Let's say, in this particular story, that the king has been very effective in developing his country and loved by almost all who had witnessed how great of a country he made during his reign of supreme over the years- it would be the only explanation why so many were wont to believe the same lies the king has been deceived with, since he had their trust and almost anyone trusts his judgement. EVEN if that particular judgement may seem foolish. To the people who adore and respect this king, who had eased their lives by providing them better and more numerous jobs, thus improving their lifestyle, his word is like that of God- it is irrefutably true. So much easier to believe as they've been in the country, gone through the changes and believed everything the king has said, never having left the country to explore and gain more knowledge of the outside world.

Then along came a boy, ten years old at the most, seeing this king everyone's been talking about on his visit home (his family, the rarer kind of the citizens of that country, are travellers and explorers)- and he cannot believe his eyes! Why is The Great King everyone's been talking about prancing about naked? SURELY they cannot believe that a garment can be fashioned out of such impossibly magical threads! And, being the sharp, quick-witted boy, he spoke the real truth- revealing the fact of the matter, that even a king is prone to human mistakes. As everyone present abruptly break out of their stupor and realize the truth in this child's words, and the foolishness that they have been committing, the king, realizing he had revealed his vulnerability and being the human that he is, started to hold a grudge against this boy.

As is prone to the elderly, this grudge does not disappear quickly. The king used everything under his power to make this child miserable throughout his life, and with each attempt realizes how clever the child is, foiling his every plan to do so. Accusations were thrown of lies and usury as this child struggles to claim his birthright- the right to govern people with his vision and profound knowledge of what's right and what's not. The ultimate battle of wits came when the child, now an adult, was destined to face the Crown Prince to fight for the role of the army general- a fight for the trust of the majority of the soldiers.

The king has never lost throughout his life, and had made an impression on the people. However, as years go by, more and more of his citizens grew wary of the king's continued actions and statements against the promising youth, who, outside the rumour mills, seemed quite a decent man. The battle came, and this youth, aided by his confident demeanour and easily approachable leadership, won the majority! The Crown Prince was left to wallow in his incompetence, at the very least in the eyes of his own father. Putting on a brave face, he faced the country still, managing to wrangle a high position in the High Council instead (aided and abetted by his father, of course).

I feel sorry for the youth. All that promise, winning a battle only to have realization dawn upon him that the king is yet to throw more manure in his face in the battles yet to come. And all because of what? A silly old grudge that an old man cannot seem to handle! It's sad, since both are supposedly rooting for the same cause- trying to bring greater good to the people in the country- and yet we, as humans, no matter how kingly, cannot bear the fact that someone might topple us off the top- even for the better.

In the end, the king should realize that only God is permanent and governs all. The king will leave the earth someday, definitely leaving his mark; and given all that he's done, he should realize that everything good he has achieved can easily be wiped out by an overwhelming amount of unsightly residues of his dirty games. If anything, the old man should realize that at one point or the other he will have to relinquish his power to someone more worthy. He should probably let the process come naturally and not try to 'botox' his reign into the country, lest the people start seeing through his facade.