Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Internet Memes
New term for the day! I would love to write more stuff about Maths, which is what I'm taking a break from now, but that isn't new, and kills the whole point of a break. So anyways, quoting Wikipedia (gotta love Wikipedia):

An Internet meme is simply the propagation of a digital file or hyperlink from one person to others using methods available through the Internet (for example, email, blogs, social networking sites, instant messaging, et cetera). The content often consists of a saying or joke, a rumor, an altered or original image, a complete website, a video clip or animation, or an offbeat news story, among many other possibilities. An Internet meme may stay the same or may evolve over time, by chance or through commentary, imitations, and parody versions, or even by collecting news accounts about itself. Internet memes have a tendency to evolve and spread extremely quickly, sometimes going in and out of popularity in a matter of days. They are spread organically, voluntarily, and peer to peer, rather than by compulsion, predetermined path, or completely automated means.

To put it simply, let's hand out some examples of famous memes you're bound to have come across sometime before. Some may be stills of a video, but they illustrate the... thing... that they're supposed to be.

Chris Crocker's 'Leave Britney Alone' video... Lol, I have yet to see the full thing.

The concept of getting RickRoll'd (I still don't get it!)


He's supposed to move, but I can't find a .gif of one


The O RLY? Owl

Lolcatz, probably one of the most varied memes of all time- and the cutest!

So there you have it; a few examples of internet memes. I'm not sure if Philip DeFranco's an internet meme, but that would be so awesome. Even if he has a girlfriend already.

Oh and I'm now addicted to Shaycarl and his family! They're hilarious!

Basically, these, bar the screamers, are all that I do when I'm on one of my 'breaks'. I've become quite the YouTube addict, but only when it comes to viewing. For more reasons than necessary I do not 'YouTube' in the sense that I upload home-made vids or VLogs- I mean, why would I? Blogging can be quite a handful in itself. Either that or I now officially suck at typing my heart out.

More blogs with essence and meaning after February, I guess =)