Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It's funny how long elation can last. I wrote this yesterday, after the event that made me happiest in a while which faded within moments of arrival back here. However, every time I look back upon the effort it took for our darling juniors to make us happy, and in particular the surprise they gave me, which made me so happy I almost cried.... It hurts my heart, in a good way. I do wish they've been given more gratitude because I don't think it would be enough unless I've thrown a surprise party to each and every one involved in the event.

It's enough that I know what I'm talking about lol. Anyways, here's to misconstruing life.


Every moment of life

The most elated, particularly

Flies to naught but recession

Ticking times and chiming bells

Laughter, smiles, grins, they all


To black

An abyss of disappointment

All the hues of yellow bright and blue sky

In the end, to be marred,

That is how it’s willed.

Long before a moment is decided

Know that it will end

Too soon, much,

Too large, too epic

Slipped by the hands of time and


Come dark worries


Bright turquoise green pink brown of chocolate white of pearly smiles

Come and go

Share and prepare

To be rescinded; more winded;

Life’s nothing hindered

Everything goes on


Then something that wasn’t


The moment to be faced.

Swallow it in.

Wallow in it.

In addition, I'd like to thank a very special someone for giving me an arse-lift out of my almost consistent predicament just recently. I appreciate every syllable and encouraging hug, and you should know that, woman ^^